New video: Baskerville – Penguin Love

After their latest single ‘Gun For Hire’ Baskerville has released their new video ‘Penguin Love’ today.

The vocals in the song are by Linda van Leeuwen (Bombay Show Pig) and the images are taken from the epic documentary ‘March of the Penguins’. 

Watch the video:


Baskerville is currently touring The Netherlands with their Strongroom tour. Check all dates below:

21-11 013 – Tilburg
29-11 Romein – Leeuwarden
14-12 ECI Cultuurfabriek – Roermond
21-12 Supermarkt – Den Haag
27-12 Patronaat – Haarlem


09-01 Doornroosje –  Nijmegen
10-01 Tivoli de Helling – Utrecht
31-01 Metropool – Hengelo